Thursday, July 7, 2011

streamlining blogs

Once in a while I get the urge to streamline ..and this time our little blog has been the contender for being brought " in line " as it were ..

When I am out and about, the only way that I am able to get my blogging done in the
way I would like to is to use my iphone ... sitting in a carpark, waiting for Maya to finish some of her activities, at the swimming pool etc.. when I am on the move I get to blog ..

On my iphone I use a little app called blogpress that lets me blog to several blogs simultaneously which is useful for the art blogging, it alos lets me seperate the family blog from the art blog photo storage...and here is what I am learning today.. how to have seperate flickr accounts for my art photos and my family homeschooling photos .. I thought it might be helpful to have all the homeschooling adventures logged into a seperate account for easy access... to the effect I have changed the blog address to streamline with the accounts ... phew .. what a waffle .. but I hope it will help my head to navigate this little maze I have created for myself :-)

ahh lush


1 comment:

  1. giggle - seems we are both challenged to streamline our lives and activities- yours with blogs and home schooling and our wonderful community - me with my garden and studio, work, and family - did our axis tilt or did our Mars line up with some left-sided star? - Happy organizing! xxxruth
